Altar Society
The Altar Society is responsible for the decoration and upkeep of the sanctuary and all its furnishings. Teams care for the items used in the liturgy, including vestments, sacred vessels, altar linen. They obtain and prepare floral arrangements for the sanctuary for Sunday Masses and weddings. The society has infrequent meetings. There is an annual meeting and a general clean-up prior to Easter.

Church Cleaners
The responsibility of the group is to clean St Therese Church. As in any working bee there is a sense of common purpose and working together. Groups are rostered. Cleaning takes place on Saturdays for about one hour. Additional volunteers are welcome – the work is not arduous or unpleasant – many hands making light work. Extra hands reduce the frequency of being rostered.

Money Counters
A team of counters process envelope and Sunday Mass collections for approximately two hours each Sunday.